Monday, 6 May 2013

The Banana months I

Summer is coming to Koh Lipe, the paradise island that I called home for the past 5 months. There is a certain kind of tree that is shedding its leaves, making the season feel a little more like fall rather than spring.  I guess it’s fitting in a way, fall always seemed to me as the end of a cycle, the end of summer, the end of long days by the pool and braai’s (BBQ’s for my non-South African friends) where a group of friends’ laughter could be heard  ‘till deep into the night. 

Ironically this particular tree’s leaves are shaped like tear drops. The falling leaves echo the mood that I often find myself in lately. As the high season here draws to an end the Island is slowing down… I didn’t completely understand how much more this very laid back island could slow down, but boy, did it!! Businesses are closing and walking street is eerily quiet. The kind of quiet that it usually gets at around 3 in the morning, after another amazing evening at Longtail bar, is now also the case at 3 in the afternoon.

Like the leaves my tears have been falling as I have been saying good bye to people who have inspired me and touched my life. To people who infuriated me, irritated me, loved me and taught me to love. To people who broke my heart, or perhaps only bruised my ego a little bit! To people with whom I fought and with whom I laughed ‘till tears rolled down my cheeks and my stomach muscles cried for mercy.  I have made friends and built bonds with people who I know will be a part of my life for the rest of my days.


  1. So you ready for your next island adventure?

  2. En route as we speak! Well, sitting in a coffee shop waiting for my bus... but technically... :D
